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May The 4th Charcuterie Tray | OpenBuilds

May The 4th Charcuterie Tray (OpenBuilds)

May the 4th charcuterie tray

I had saved the top from a cheap old table from a big box store a few years ago because I figured I could do something with it. I finally came up with the “something.”May the Fourth (Star Wars day for the non-nerds out there) was coming up and I thought I would make a…

Building A Preferred Future. It’s about much more than leaving… | by Stephen P. Anderson | Feb, 2023 | Medium

Building A Preferred Future - a person with long, mildly wavy, ash blonde hair in a horizontal thin striped shirt, looking across a field into a futuristic cityscape
Building A Preferred Future – Stephen P. Anderson – Medium by an author (Medium)

Yeah, yeah, I know — please keep reading. It’s deeper than all that. This is something I’ve been thinking about long before the recent swirl and chaos…

My use of Twitter for the past several years has been a cautious and guarded one. Various events seeded some scary thoughts in my mind: What if Twitter was gone tomorrow? What if I got locked out of my account? What if all my data was deleted? What if I could no longer reach out…

Adding comments to your static blog with Mastodon

Just the text is next
Adding comments to your static blog with Mastodon (

One of the biggest disadvantages of static site generators is that they are static and can’t include comments.There are multiples solutions to solve this problem. You could add a third party blog engine like Disqus, but this has the drawback of including a third-party tool with a bad privacy record in your website. Another solution would be to host an open-source alternative but this comes at the cost of a higher maintenance burden.

Having to host a database was something we wanted to avoid with a static site generator.In my opinion, a better solution is to leverage the Mastodon and Fediverse platform. Mastodon is a decentralized social network and it allows people to communicate with each other without being on the same server. It is inspired by Twitter,…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D