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Twitter is a mess, so former employees are creating Spill as an alternative | TechCrunch

Twitter is a mess, so former employees are creating Spill as an alternative by Amanda SilberlingAmanda Silberling (

Alphonzo “Phonz” Terrell and DeVaris Brown met during orientation on their first day working at Twitter. They didn’t know that just a few years later they’d be building a social media platform of their own. “We were the only two Black guys in there, and we were like, ‘Hey, we’ll be friends!’” said Terrell, who […]

Alphonzo “Phonz” Terrell and DeVaris Brown met during orientation on their first day working at Twitter. They didn’t know that just a few years later they’d be building a social media platform of their own. “We were the only two Black guys in there, and we were like, ‘Hey, we’ll be friends!’” said Terrell, who…

The Monumental Impact of Egypt on the Bible | Derreck Bennett

Egyptian Origins of the Bible
The Monumental Impact of Egypt on the Bible | Derreck Bennett (YouTube)

The Monumental Impact of Egypt on the Bible | Derreck BennettScholars of early Christianity, primarily trained in Classics, are keen to demonstrate Christian…

[embed][/embed] Scholars of early Christianity, primarily trained in Classics, are keen to demonstrate Christianity’s indebtedness to the Greco-Roman world. While this much is certainly correct, many of them pay too little attention to critical areas of study outside their purview. The impact and influence of Ancient Egypt upon Palestine and the Greco-Roman world, upon both…

More Tips for Getting Your Site Running IndieWeb and ActivityPub | Chris Aldrich

Mastodon_Logo by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (

Happy Friday @kfitz! You’re in luck—its not even horizon we’re watching for, but new lands we can walk. There are several options with varying levels of technicality and user interface affordances: POSSE
There are some well built and not overly complicated pathways that allow syndicating from …

Happy Friday @kfitz! You’re in luck—its not even horizon we’re watching for, but new lands we can walk. There are several options with varying levels of technicality and user interface affordances: Read more from Chris Aldrich’s blog… Some guidance on ways to get your site to work with IndieWeb and ActivityPub or at least increase…

Beware of the Perfect Gentleman

Beware of the Perfect Gentleman by RF Jurjevics (VICE)

An article about the guys whose pics get stolen for romance scams and catfishing in social media.

Geras shares his experience with a small subset of men, all of whom have been targeted by a very specific and insidious form of identity theft: Their real photos are stolen from their social media accounts and used by con artists in a ruse that began in the early days of social media. The women taken in by these schemes may be the primary targets, but the men whose images are used to lure them are the unseen collateral victims.

Source: Beware of the Perfect Gentleman

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