How White is Homegenizing Heathenry

…identifying as “white” strips us of our heritage. By calling yourself white, and setting yourself against, or at least apart from, anyone not white, you’re unilaterally expanding your tribe to encompass anyone who looks like you. You end up trading the security of tradition, for mewling masses who do not share those bonds of tradition.…

Second and Third Aett and Scandal

By now, I’ve finished relearning and inscribing the second and third aett of the Elder Futhark.  I’ll be making some runes for reading, but I’m kind of taking my time with that because, as it was with the bones, I want to really get into the related deities and culture before I presume to get…

Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome

Last night, I had a dream that pretty much encapsulated my true feelings about the eurocentric brand of Christianity. It began like most of my family road trip dreams do.  My parents, brothers and I are going along a country road.  Dad is driving, and Mom is smiling, and my younger brothers and I are…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D