The Walking Exes

I am writing this post so that I no longer need to converse with exes accumulated before I  realized that my health depended on not giving a shit about people who don’t give a shit about me. You only get one chance to hurt me by leaving.  Once you have played that card once, I…

The Cowardly Liar

I am beginning to see the horror in zombie movies.  When someone dumps you, they should go away and never be seen again.  You should be able to kill them in your mind, and at least try to kill them in your heart, and move on.  If they lied about everything, then they weren’t a…

Good Enough Yet?

Yesterday, I actually found myself sitting in my livingroom with Wizard, GothicAnne, and whodathunkit Vegeta. Yeah. …only now, he’s hit the Moroccan wall.  No more Gay porn ad cutie.  He’s now a big hairy normal guy.  No wait, a big, hairy normal guy with a lisp and t-rex hands.  How the mighty have fallen in…

The Indecent Proposal

Some time ago, Cuz (the Catholic taxi driver turned accountant) offered to give me an apartment in an attempt to get back in.  I declined because though I could see being the mistress of a discreetly but honestly polygamous man, I’m not going to be the life support system of a failing monogamy.  I’m also not…

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