It’s Free So Don’t Complain (Just Delete)

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]Like an idiot, I made the mistake of actually commenting on the forced upgrading situation. My bad. I basically got called ungrateful, and apparently the smug younglings don’t understand that it’s only people who care who bother to leave any feedback. Maybe they’re so used to being treated like interchangeable, disposable brain slaves…

The Things We Know, The Things We Hide

Well, the prospective Mr. Yeah turned out to be Mr. Yeah-right.  It’s not completely his fault because nobody could choose their parents or where they were born, but one thing I’ve learned here is that I don’t have to be fair.  If it already looks like a therapy case from a distance, it’s probably not…

shit creek

nobody held a gun to your head and forced you to do what you did nobody held your family hostage and told you to hide what you hid nobody hypnotized either of us no rendezvous was prearranged each of us did what we did for our reasons and the past can never be changed you…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D