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Young Witch In the 90s

My altar in the Navy early 90s

I forgot I was going to scan these photos that I showed a long time ago. These are pictures of my altar from when I was in the Navy. I had very little space, so I had to make due, and I did a lot of effective work and learned a lot of important lessons…

A New Site is Birthing: Logo

I’ve begun work on a new website, I think it’s about time more people knew that afrocentric and Panafrican maternal feminists and Africana womanists exist. What gave me the inspiration to actually buy a domain and give this some focus is that most of the writing around it is academic and it’s not being…

For Those Seeking or in Flight: Black Trans*feminist Nihilism

Indeed, Patterson himself disavows this application of social death to Black people post-emancipation and states his reasons for doing so, collectively referencing the various ways in which Black people have ostensibly been folded into civil society. But this itself invokes a conflation between the distilled social death and an analysis of slavery’s transformation throughout time,…

On a Pedestal

Men who put women on a pedestal don’t see the whole woman.   It’s bad enough when an individual man does this with women (like the mangina type of male feminist) or individual women (the average cuckold type).  Feminationalists do this with whole races of women, fetishizing them into some bloc of beings who are exempt…

Anti Menstruation Propaganda is Still Out There

Some of you young folks who were born in the late 80’s and 90’s don’t know what it was like to grow up with feminism since the 70’s.  A lot of articles and studies were published in the 60’s that seemed to prove without a doubt that there was no major biological or psychological difference…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D