
 [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Click the image to enlarge. For this drawing, I fed Dawn prompts for what representations of Neith look like. Usually when describing a Goddess one gets very “ideal” figures. However, for some unknown reason, more than once, the figures were not what someone with an ableist eye would view as “ideal” or…

AI Assisted Art Experiments: Taueret

Best AI of of Taueret

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] After seeing what some artists did with various deities, I decided to run Taueret through an AI art app, Dawn AI. Majestic “humanoid hippopotamus”, even with lots of detail was a bit too much for the machine, but I did discover one thing it was good for: layout. It arranges things well.…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D