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Why I Don’t Meet New Guys In My Home

When I first meet someone, or haven’t seen someone in say, more than a month, I don’t meet them in my home.  This is apparently unusual here in Israel, where people’s negativity around sex leads them to do stupid and dangerous things, strangely, for some other types of safety. What men don’t seem to understand…

Field Test: Sustaining a Relationship With An Israeli Man

Diva suggested that to really understand where I am, I need to make a sincere attempt to sustain an actual relationship with an Israeli man.  So the next time I had the opportunity, I didn’t run away screaming or make the usual paranoid accusations while laughing in his face. I promised him that I wouldn’t…

The Shitberry Bush (first draft)

Once upon a time, a fine, sturdy, medicine woman went on a journey across the big lake.  She found herself in a strange land with many new and wonderful sights and sounds.  She learned about the local plants and animals, and enjoyed many new pleasures, but she still missed some things from home…mainly raspberries. One…

The Cowardly Liar

I am beginning to see the horror in zombie movies.  When someone dumps you, they should go away and never be seen again.  You should be able to kill them in your mind, and at least try to kill them in your heart, and move on.  If they lied about everything, then they weren’t a…

Video: Burning of the Lies

In this video, I read the letters Papa II wrote me with his own hands, burn them, and then eat some of the ashes to own my half of the stupidity of it all. As you hear the words, remember that I am not a young, hot chick a guy would need to lie to…

Now I’m Just Pissed Off

I just got the weekend series of texts from Slick.  He still hasn’t fixed my bed, but he’s still trying to get back in.  Flattering as it is that anybody’s interested in having sex with me at my age, the fact that anyone thinks they can just break my stuff and not fix it, and that…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D