On a Pedestal

Men who put women on a pedestal don’t see the whole woman.   It’s bad enough when an individual man does this with women (like the mangina type of male feminist) or individual women (the average cuckold type).  Feminationalists do this with whole races of women, fetishizing them into some bloc of beings who are exempt…

The Least of These…

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Okay, to all the ethnonationalists and the ethno-aware and the ethno-don’t-care out there, here’s a question: What have you done for someone in your “us” group today? I don’t mean something general or something virtual.  What real act of kindness or charity have you done for someone among your “us” today who…

Case in point: Naive Illiterate “White nationalist”

Update 2014: Since this post, I have learned that the “Chateau Heartiste” is a wannabe “white” nationalist blog, and anything I ever said there against the doomed omega strain of poserism rampant there was unwanted, wasted words. If you are a male of European ancestry who sees your culture dying, and want a seat on…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D