Qrackheads Aren’t Brainwashed. They’re Invested Due to Moral Injury

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] I know the popular tactic for getting loved ones off the Qrack is gentle compassion or epistemological conversation, but as time goes on I’m leaning more towards outright ridicule. This isn’t a pop psychology either-or abuser/codependent or megalomaniac/cultist situation. It’s more like the real deal where the victims are already or become…

How the Alt-Right Died

A long time ago, when the internet was young, people exchanged ideas and learned that we weren’t alone.  People who believed in sexual freedom but within the sane boundaries of Nature found the likeminded, and friendships were forged.  Some very happy marriages and stable cohabitations even resulted. People who understood that people are different, and…

Left and Right

I view the left and right wings as masculine and feminine energy adherents. The left is masculine energy.  It is a conqueror seeking to gain as much “freedom” and room for expression as it can, fuck the consequences. The right on the other hand is feminine energy.  It is into nesting, and solidifying bonds.  Its…

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