Nature Doesn’t Care That You’re Innocent

In the wake of yet another preventable mass murder, it still baffles me how cheap school administrators and others responsible for the security of their employees and students are.  Of course, the murderers themselves are the most to blame, even if they’re insane.  However, understanding that there are homicidal insane people roaming the Earth, one…

Why I Don’t Meet New Guys In My Home

When I first meet someone, or haven’t seen someone in say, more than a month, I don’t meet them in my home.  This is apparently unusual here in Israel, where people’s negativity around sex leads them to do stupid and dangerous things, strangely, for some other types of safety. What men don’t seem to understand…

Dealing With Haters

I love my haters.  They’re my best press and the evidence that I’m doing something right.  Their attempts to “put me in my place” are welcome challenges that ultimately end up confirming the legitimacy of my position. What’s funny about that is that I’m not particularly rich or famous.  I’m just me, and don’t apologize…

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