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Why Do Some Female Hummingbirds Crossdress?

A lot of people are familiar with the idea that many birds are color-coded by sex: males are brilliant whilst females are drab. But hummingbirds have turned this perception onto its head because in some species, a portion of adult females have flashy male-like plumage coloring and patterns that makes them visually indistinguishable from males.…

Finding a new home for the WordPress community – Ollie

Simply put, OpenPress adds functionality and an interface to your website that enables you to run your own micro publishing platform using readily-available WordPress technology.Your website, and the content you’re publishing, can then be connected to a network of other websites that are also using OpenPress. The result is a network that is powered by…

Dan Harmon – “Say you’re not a nazi!”

[embed][/embed] For anyone still having doubts about where Rick & Morty co-creator Dan Harmon stands on fascism, here’s Dan’s rant about not being a nazi from episode 254 of Harmontown, “Down with Sighty”. This is just the first few minutes.

Protests in Iran: State-run live TV hacked by protesters – BBC News

Iran’s state-run broadcaster was apparently hacked on air Saturday, with a news bulletin interrupted by a protest against the country’s leader.A mask appeared on the screen, followed by an image of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei with flames around him.The group called itself “Adalat Ali”, or Ali’s Justice.It comes after at least three people were shot…

Exclusive: Boston Dynamics pledges not to weaponize its robots

The company joined other robotics firms in pledging to curtail projects that turn robots into war machines. Source: Exclusive: Boston Dynamics pledges not to weaponize its robots I am not sure how they can actually keep this promise. If a broom can be used to hit someone and a television or phone to spy on…

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