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Hitler’s Vagina

[caption id="attachment_1067" align="alignleft" width="269"] Honoring the Hebrew Ancestors and giving offerings for protection, but somehow “worse than Hitler”.[/caption] Jewish women are dating and marrying Arab men more often because Jewish men here have basically turned feminist, pseudo-feminist slacker, or MGTOW.  It is very difficult to find a Jewish man who actually wants and is prepared…


According to Beauty Heaven, it’s my makeup or lack thereof that dooms me. I was wondering about that.  Since I started to look a little bit older (and therefore less objectively pretty) I am attracting way too many scrubs.  Don’t get me wrong, I find there is dignity in all labor, but that is only…

This Is Where It Ends

an invitation once declined will not be extended again we met as strangers and i’m happy with this no need to part as friends i’m getting out clean and maybe it seems a little mean to you but when you’ve seen the things these walls have seen and when you’ve screamed the screams of broken…

5 Narcissist Red Flags

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]If you meet a person like this, RUN, don’t walk.  RUN! It took me almost 44 years to get involved with this kind of crazy unawares.  So don’t think it can’t happen to you.  Don’t explain things away or second guess your instincts.  Just kick them to the curb or go. 1. A…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D