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When it should have ended: different values.

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Along the lines of personal responsibility, I have to take some for why the thing managed to go as far as it did in the first place. On the first (which was the last) time we were about to do the thing was when he said that crap about heartbreak being something…

The Nile is in Egypt but Denial is in Babylon

On the other side of that madness we call love, since the person I loved didn’t exist, it’s time for strategy.  I learned a lot from this past experience.  It taught me how to spot a closet feminist and/or male green card whore. Red flags listed in hindsight, for the benefit of other women who…

Not Pregnant! :-)

In all the ruckus of the fake profile, I forgot to mention that I got a sonogram last week, and I am not pregnant, and there are no leftovers if I was.  It was a big relief in light of the past month and a half’s events. I had what looked like spotting/implantation bleeding a…

The Cowardly Liar

I am beginning to see the horror in zombie movies.  When someone dumps you, they should go away and never be seen again.  You should be able to kill them in your mind, and at least try to kill them in your heart, and move on.  If they lied about everything, then they weren’t a…

Second to Nun

At some point, one has to know when it’s time to hang up the towel and quit while one is ahead. After about 10 years of being a loving person trying to navigate a very hostile dating market, I’m sort of emotionally back where I was about 23 years ago. Some of you out there…

Second and Third Aett and Scandal

By now, I’ve finished relearning and inscribing the second and third aett of the Elder Futhark.  I’ll be making some runes for reading, but I’m kind of taking my time with that because, as it was with the bones, I want to really get into the related deities and culture before I presume to get…

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