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Smell: Another Good Reason to Eat Natural

Unnatural people stink.  They smell like driving by a paint factory next door to a landfill.  So when some people give others a cross look for being fat, I wish they would consider the hell paleo, primal, and ethnic eaters have to contend with whenever they’re within two meters of them or sit on a bus or train surrounded…

My Former Protege Returns

A couple of years ago, when I was new to the proactive sector of the manosphere, I had a protege I lovingly nicknamed Papa II.  He was thus nicknamed because of his close resemblance in personality to Shai, my Dad before Santa, and other men I look up to, even though he is chronologically much…

Now I’m Just Pissed Off

I just got the weekend series of texts from Slick.  He still hasn’t fixed my bed, but he’s still trying to get back in.  Flattering as it is that anybody’s interested in having sex with me at my age, the fact that anyone thinks they can just break my stuff and not fix it, and that…

The Disadvantages of Long Term Thinking

The ability to think long term is generally considered an advantage with no downside.  It is very useful in that it enables one to delay gratification.  Rather than focussing on immediate rewards, one can devise strategies that will bring greater rewards in the future.  Coupled with a very realistic worldview, it makes one, inasmuch as…

It’s Definitely Not Fear

[caption id="attachment_355" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="April 2, 2011 Swimming in my clothes"][/caption] The gloom seems to have been a phase.  Since that day, I seem to be well sorted and strangely more attractive.  Perhaps not sexually so, but sentimentally, which is fine.  Even my dance has shifted a bit.  I was using mostly Arab music, but…

It’s Not Fear. It’s Respect.

As you can probably tell, I was feeling pretty gloomy during my last blog post.  Taking some time to really get into my feelings though, I’ve realized that it’s not exactly fear that I’m feeling.  It’s a healthy respect for men, manhood, and the possible damage they can do to me and that I could…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D