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Got My Tortilla Maker, YAY!

Yesterday, I got the tortilla maker that I got from Sam’s Stores.  It is a dream.  Once I figured out how to work it properly, I made 15 perfect, soy free little tortillas.  With this baby, I can make them every night. It cost a lot with the shipping, but it was worth every penny. …

Goodbye Bitch

I woke up this morning to find another damned message on my cellphone, “I’m gone bye,” from Hannibal.  Thursday night brought the usual weekly conversation about why I don’t want to shag him.  I told him straight up, numerous times, that it’s because he treats me like an ugly girl.  I was very clear that…

The Calorie Deficit Year

As some of you know, if you’ve been keeping track of my weight loss progress, it has been slow but sure since I went natural.  Because I’m a bit vain and getting older though, since I’ve handled the content, it’s time to handle the calories to a degree.  No, I’m not going to start weighing…

The Ugly Other Woman

Googling around, as I’m prone to do, I found an interesting article: Why Do Men Cheat With Ugly Women? It was from the pretty girlfriend/wife’s perspective.  I have some sympathy for a good woman who gets cheated on, no matter what she looks like.  I have no sympathy for gold diggers or harpies though.  Most…


Slick has survived the grippa.  I’m happy to finally know what’s going on, but apparently, facing mortality hasn’t made him appreciate me more.  It’s okay.  He’s not obligated to.  It’s just that since I’m no longer giving anyone a break for cultural differences, the way he’s behaving since he thought he had me tells me…

Lost Causes

I’m feeling a bit misanthropic today.  Shovelling through reams of idiocy on both sides of the feminist and MRA (men’s rights activist) issue is leaving me a bit mentally fatigued.  I know, I know…It’s my own fault.  I’m bored since Hannibal is sick, and the enzymes are wearing off, so I thought I’d go back…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D