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Anti Menstruation Propaganda is Still Out There

Some of you young folks who were born in the late 80’s and 90’s don’t know what it was like to grow up with feminism since the 70’s.  A lot of articles and studies were published in the 60’s that seemed to prove without a doubt that there was no major biological or psychological difference…

Negging and Shit Testing as Survival Strategies

Men complain about shit testing, and women complain about negging, but these things are extremely important in mate selection.  On the surface, the reason women shit test is to filter out overly compliant men and attract more masculine self assured men.  Men neg to filter out under-nurturing women, and attract compliant women who are actually…

Feminism has gone to the bitches – TOI Blogs

Recently an insane blogger put on the act of being naked in front of her sons with an objective of briefing them about the female body. It’s been wildly trending on social media and is being discussed in all lights.Few of our so-called Indian feminists didn’t miss the opportunity to draw comparisons between American and…

This Will Not End Well: Men and Blocking

I figured something like this would happen eventually.  According to many of my female friends, men have started blocking women who tell them no or express any hesitation or simple disagreement, no matter how petty. This used to be the domain of women.  Women are kind of skittish especially in online dating and social media. …

Shit I’m Tired of Seeing: “White” Patriarchy

Slavery was not something that rich “white” men did by themselves without women, nor was Jim Crow the exclusive domain of men.  Just about all “white” supremacists and those complicit are raised to be this way by their mothers. Under the current racist system (which is racist against everybody, and just treats European Americans like…

More Sex Talk from the Love Scientist – Facts So Romantic – Nautilus

There’s your temperament and your culture, your nurture, your environment. I’m an identical twin and we’re not exactly alike. No two people are alike. What’s really interesting, and the most important scientific thing in my lifetime, is an understanding of epigenetics. We are beginning to understand how the environment turns genes on and off and…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D