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Two Tribes

Pro Israel Protesters

Outside my door tonight, there is a crowd of people protesting each other.  One one side, supporters of Israel, and on the other of the Palestinians. A few years ago, close by enough to smell burning bodies and plastic,  a terrorist blew up a bus with children on their way home from school in it.…

The Zen Garden

The other day, I went to Haifa University to meet Diva to hang out.  We had lunch and then visited the witchcraft and mysticism section of the library.  Then we went to sit in what I guess passes for a Zen garden in Israel. Most of the bamboo was dead or dying, and it was…

Doritos “The Kiss”

This is an entry by Carmi Pearl to a contest to make the best Doritos commercial.  It didn’t win, but it was funny, and I’m in it. …

Money Where My Mouth Is

This coming Friday, I’m going to take my first steps back into catering, and sell drastically low sugar and naturally sweetened cakes at the farmer’s market.  I hope they’ll sell.  I’m still not sure how I’m going to word the pitch cards, so this batch won’t have any.  The question is whether to sell their…

Male Hotness

Getting away from the topic of problematic men, I’ve decided to post more on some of the good and the sexy here in Israel.  I hope nobody gets the idea from reading this blog, that this is a country berift of stunning examples of manhood.  In fact, per square meter, I’d say it’s comparable to…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D