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Degrees of Separation

Visions by Nicole T. Lasher

A few nights ago, I had a dream. Someone I care about and did my best to help and promote was in the dream attempting to chat me up. It was weird because as far as I can tell, this person sees me as a kind of auntie, and I see them as a kind…

The Black Diaspora in Israel, 1965 to 2011 •

A photo of two Black Hebrew men crossing the street at a crosswalk.
The Black Diaspora in Israel, 1965 to 2011 by Dafnah Strauss (

With the exception of the well-publicized Operation Moses, Joshua, and Solomon Airlift of 20,000 Ethiopian Jews from that war and famine ravaged nation to Israel between 1984 and 1991, few people outside the Middle East are aware of the tens of thousands of people of African ancestry living in the J…

Black Bedouin are the descendents of African slaves purchased by Bedouins, the semi-nomadic Arab population in the Negev desert region of southern Israel. The Israeli black Bedouin number 10,000 out of approximately 180,000 Bedouin in the country. Although slavery has been illegal in Israel since the nation’s founding in 1948, the black Bedouin are still referred…

The Columbasing of Afrogenders


This post should probably be longer. Were I younger, and if I had more patience, it probably would be. I’m just so tired though. So I’ll briefly warn my fellow Africans in the diaspora and the continent what is going on. Do whatever you like with this information. Just don’t continue to fuck up and…

Dan Harmon – “Say you’re not a nazi!”

[embed][/embed] For anyone still having doubts about where Rick & Morty co-creator Dan Harmon stands on fascism, here’s Dan’s rant about not being a nazi from episode 254 of Harmontown, “Down with Sighty”. This is just the first few minutes.

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D