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My New Do

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Last year, I went through some things. During the fixing teeth part of my transformation, I had to be on dexamethasone for awhile, and with the extra anti inflammatory, blood sugar regulating, and pain meds in addition to the unavoidable stress, I lost some hair. A lot of hair. By the time…

Making My Bed

My Room

Having spent so much time in it due to the latest bout of flu plus tonsillitis, I understood it was time to update my bed. My burgundy and pink zebra print sets are becoming worn, so it’s time to get new stuff. Unfortunately, leopard and snake print sets are either insanely popular or insanely unpopular,…

What Does a Black Ring Mean?

Black ring with dark star ruby

[caption id="attachment_1676" align="alignleft" width="278"] Freak but handle with care…[/caption] [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Black rings are starting to catch on this side of the pond.  People can wear whatever they like and make it mean whatever they want it to.  Still, there are some guidelines from trend-setting areas of the world, and well established jewelry and…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D