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VC&G | » VC&G Interview: Jerry Lawson, Black Video Game Pioneer

In late 2006, I received a large collection of vintage computer magazines from a friend. For days I sat on my office floor and thumbed through nearly every issue, finding page after page of priceless historical information. One day, while rapidly flipping through a 1983 issue of Popular Computing, I encountered a photo that stopped…

Finding a new home for the WordPress community – Ollie

Simply put, OpenPress adds functionality and an interface to your website that enables you to run your own micro publishing platform using readily-available WordPress technology.Your website, and the content you’re publishing, can then be connected to a network of other websites that are also using OpenPress. The result is a network that is powered by…

Evidence Grows of Left-Wing Twitter Purge Directed by Musk

While claiming to have bought the social media giant in order to make it “an inclusive arena for free speech,” multibillionaire Twitter owner Elon Musk is apparently overseeing what critics claim is a purge of anti-fascist voices, The Intercept reported Tuesday.   “No one should’ve honestly believed Elon Musk would use his ownership of Twitter…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D