What Does a Black Ring Mean?

Black ring with dark star ruby

[caption id="attachment_1676" align="alignleft" width="278"] Freak but handle with care…[/caption] [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Black rings are starting to catch on this side of the pond.  People can wear whatever they like and make it mean whatever they want it to.  Still, there are some guidelines from trend-setting areas of the world, and well established jewelry and…

What Might Have Changed: Bare Face As a Status Symbol

I had heard it, but didn’t really want to believe it until I saw it at the DC Urban Moms and Dads forums.  Going around bare faced (without makeup) is now a status symbol. So the reason I had a spate of scrubs may not be that a lack of makeup and being fat.  It…

The Business

Lately, I’ve been putting more effort into my offline businesses.  The braiding thing is still slow, and I think it’s because somewhere, someone is selling relaxer cream here.  I don’t know where, but it doesn’t really matter.  Ethiopians and everyone else seem to be going straight.  So I may have to fade into the background,…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D