Why Dorks Pick on Fatties

In the military, many of us get the advice to be very mindful that when you fire a shot, you are giving away your position. Spend enough time on the internet, and you’ll encounter reams of text on the horror that is the fat woman.  According to many anonymous yet apparently intellectual males, not only…

Moral Panic: Obesity (The Short Version)

Obesity moral panic, step by step 1.  Promote an androgynous ideal for women. (first wave 1920’s, second wave during WWII, third wave started in the late 1960’s) Social enforcement factor: You must look more like a man to compete with men.  Promote androgynous models as more beautiful than the busty, thick thighed pin-up girls of the…

Moral Panic: Obesity

Most of us in the western world and other industrialized countries could stand to lose a few pounds for aesthetic reasons.  Those of us who’ve gone natural, a small but significant minority, have found that with our improved health comes a natural balancing of weight.  When one looks around though, it’s pretty easy to see…

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