Tag: featured
Primal Sex: The Masculine Embrace, or What Men Should Relearn About Fucking

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]Before we start, I will warn you that in this article, there will be many sweeping generalizations about men and women. If you are gender-queer in some way, feel free to replace those words with masculine or feminine participant, or Top/bottom or whatever. Let’s not lose the point in tangents about terminology. Also,…
False Rape Accusations: How to Reduce Your Chances

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] In 1889, Frank Embree was accused of raping a 14 year old (“white”) woman (back then, 14 was considered a woman). He was innocent, but confessed after receiving 100 lashes with a whip. Then he was castrated, flayed and then burned alive in front of a cheering crowd. There have been many…
Feminism Does Not Mean Equality Unless You Are a Misogynist

[caption id="attachment_1046" align="alignleft" width="254"] Feminism does not even allow males the right to be awesome.[/caption] To say that “feminism” is actually about equality is, in itself sexist. Any “ism” is an ideology. An ideology that has a specific group prefixing the “ism” is exclusive to the interests of that group. To assume that putting “fem”…
The Pegging Circle Jerk on Reddit

[caption id="attachment_942" align="alignleft" width="204"] A little reminder who you’re calling a prude.[/caption] Well, I noticed that my pegging article was receiving a lot of traffic, and decided to see where it was coming from. Mostly, it’s from Reddit. It inspired a circle jerk of very confused illiterates who can’t tell the difference between someone being…