
Well, it seems my outburst of insecurity was just female b.s.  I misread some nonverbal signals, and that sent me spinning off into noplace near rational. Papa II called today, and we talked.  Well, I snivelled and he clarified.  So we’re good now. I’m feeling kinda stupid, and though others keep telling me it’s okay…

Moral Panic: Obesity

Most of us in the western world and other industrialized countries could stand to lose a few pounds for aesthetic reasons.  Those of us who’ve gone natural, a small but significant minority, have found that with our improved health comes a natural balancing of weight.  When one looks around though, it’s pretty easy to see…

A Sudden Shift

As I’ve mentioned before, since I woke up, I’ve been attracting a different type of guys.  It seems that one of them, who we’ll call Prince, is serious.  I just finished having a nice conversation with his daughter.  It would be weird if this wasn’t confirmation of a gutt feeling. I didn’t blog about him before…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D