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Blog: Diva Was Right. Classically Masculine People/Men Do Need To Be Nearly Hand Fed. Also, I’ve Realized My Secret Passion is Marketing.

Starts in Her Hair, Inspired by Goddess Supaqueen of Water Witch Creations

Okay, first things first, even though they are grown ass adults and shouldn’t need someone to hold their hand and make them eat nutritious food, nature doesn’t care about shoulds. Whether it’s because they’re socialized that way or not, or whether that socialization is because of patriarchy/hegemonic masculinity or super secret sisterhood power dynamics fostering…

New Jersey couple, 98 and 101, finds love endures, celebrate 75 years together – Health –

It was 1934, and William Fullwood, a young baseball player in the Negro Leagues, wanted nothing more than to marry Williemae, a “God-fearing, God-loving” woman who taught in a one-room school in Georgia.She initially spurned him because of their three-year age difference, but eight children, 23 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren later, William says he has…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D