Dem Ain’t Ready

For some time, I’ve been having a nagging suspicion.  When I look back on the day it became clear that the Chateau Heartiste (formerly Roissy in D.C.) approved of the more insane brand of “white” nationalism seemingly popular among the commenters there, I felt that something wasn’t quite right.  Since then, I’ve visited from time…

Dating in Israeli Hell: Atheists, Buddhists, and Pagans

In Israel, an atheist isn’t exactly an atheist.  They may say that they don’t believe in a god, but for some reason, when it comes to non Jewish/Arab/Druze women, they will find an excuse to be worse than the orthodox. If a guy claims to be something other than whatever his parents were, don’t fall…

The Nile is in Egypt but Denial is in Babylon

On the other side of that madness we call love, since the person I loved didn’t exist, it’s time for strategy.  I learned a lot from this past experience.  It taught me how to spot a closet feminist and/or male green card whore. Red flags listed in hindsight, for the benefit of other women who…

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