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More Sex Talk from the Love Scientist – Facts So Romantic – Nautilus

There’s your temperament and your culture, your nurture, your environment. I’m an identical twin and we’re not exactly alike. No two people are alike. What’s really interesting, and the most important scientific thing in my lifetime, is an understanding of epigenetics. We are beginning to understand how the environment turns genes on and off and…

Post Genocidal Romance

The women, for a few generations after a genocide or ethno specific time of extreme oppression, may become misandrist as a collective vengeance against the men who could not protect them from the monsters. The men, who failed to protect them are classed as weak, in collusion with their oppressors, the oppressors themselves, useless fools…

Dating Israeli Men

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Over the past few months, my personal Mrs. Havisham, Diva, has been schooling me on Israeli men.  She explained NMS, and this helped me a lot.  Now, we’ve moved to practical dating advice, and I am having one of those, “Oh FUCK!” moments. I learned today that, for Israeli standards, I am…

Second to Nun

At some point, one has to know when it’s time to hang up the towel and quit while one is ahead. After about 10 years of being a loving person trying to navigate a very hostile dating market, I’m sort of emotionally back where I was about 23 years ago. Some of you out there…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D