The Nile is in Egypt but Denial is in Babylon

On the other side of that madness we call love, since the person I loved didn’t exist, it’s time for strategy.  I learned a lot from this past experience.  It taught me how to spot a closet feminist and/or male green card whore. Red flags listed in hindsight, for the benefit of other women who…

The Addams Family

I don’t ask to be loved despite my flaws. I don’t ask that anyone love me at all. When it happens, I am grateful.  When it doesn’t, I get over it.  I know I’m not the only woman in the world or the prettiest.  I won’t even tell a guy that nobody will love him…

The Insipid Enemy

It would be easy to blame social phenomena like feminism and the multikult on greedy women and corporations, but the bitter truth is that those most to blame call themselves conservatives.  If they weren’t so whiney, ignorant, and inconsistent, then the overly liberal wouldn’t seem so intelligent, educated, and stable by comparison. To clarify, I…


Slick has survived the grippa.  I’m happy to finally know what’s going on, but apparently, facing mortality hasn’t made him appreciate me more.  It’s okay.  He’s not obligated to.  It’s just that since I’m no longer giving anyone a break for cultural differences, the way he’s behaving since he thought he had me tells me…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D