Pathological Altruism in “White” People: Donald Trump for President

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Understanding that you have a problem is only the first step in recovery.  Some so-called “white” nationalists point to overly welcoming immigration laws as evidence of a problem of pathological altruism among Europeans.  So when Donald Trump decided to make a big deal about immigration reform, many of them jumped on the…

Why Are American “White” Nationalists Unhappy?

Some are unhappy because they’re poor and ignorant of how the world, politics, and power works.  For them “white” nationalism does the same thing that “black” nationalism does for African Americans.  It’s the only place they’re going to be told they have any purpose or that their life has any meaning. Most on the internet…

White Separatist Aliyah

So what’s say we start a non profit to help all the Europeans who can’t stand being around others, move back to Europe? I do wonder though, what will happen when they realize there are poor people there, and that going to or creating a place where there are only “white” people won’t make the…

Re: Diversity | Thulean Perspective

Excerpt from the post: Their and our characteristics are different from each other, just like we are physically different from them; they too have hair, but our hair is different from theirs; they too have eyes, but our eyes are different from theirs; they too have skin, but our skin is different from theirs. This…

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