Is Your Site Being Spammed by Trump Supporters?

It seems like any site these days that isn’t moderated, is being spammed by Trump supporters.  Many are trying to pass their posts off as original thoughts, but this isn’t true.  If you want to be able to track where their ideas are coming from, here is a handy list of websites they frequent.  This…

Devil Who???

Being completely wrong about someone or something is a situation I really hate to be in…and boy was I wrong about the CH.  This is yet another case when I probably should have listened better to my male friends.  Again, I learn the hard way that men know men better than women could wish to,…

White Separatist Aliyah

So what’s say we start a non profit to help all the Europeans who can’t stand being around others, move back to Europe? I do wonder though, what will happen when they realize there are poor people there, and that going to or creating a place where there are only “white” people won’t make the…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D