Last night, I finally got to see Jacuzzi after some weeks. She’s been working really hard as a waitress while working on her portfolio for design school. So we took the opportunity to meet since she has a rare night off, and her boyfriend is one of the DJ’s.
Most of the crowd were kids I didn’t know, but there were a few of the old freaks there. While we were dancing, Dana commented that for some reason, whenever she’s with me, weird guys start gravitating towards us. I told her it’s because I’m still an oddly perky fat chick, but to be patient. In a few months, it’ll be dirty old men. She laughed.
Not all the guys hovering around were so weird though. Some, I’d be tempted to actually talk to, if I was younger.
I was wearing the same jeans that I wore in the full body shots I took awhile back, but now they fit too loosely. I kept having to pull my pants up, and the slippery leotard didn’t help. Thank goodness I wore a waist sash. Yes, I’m getting into the “old lady chic”. Like I’ve said before, I don’t want to be MILF. I want to be MISWY (marry if she was younger). So I’m dressing sexy but smartly classic look with some bohemian flair.
The music was really good. I was pleasantly surprised that the DJ’s, Jacuzzi’s boyfriend included, were actually manning the turntables instead of just playing a rotation of canned house. I hate it when so-called DJ’s play pre-recorded rotations of standard 3-4 minute songs that all have that “plinky-pause” in them. When that happens, you’re slowing down or stopping every darn 3 minutes. It’s annoying, and impossible to get a good groove going that way. Dance music in a club is for dancing, not just listening to while driving or something. Pauses should be at least 10 minutes apart, if that. I like a DJ who is actually present, and these guys were so much so, that they worked in shifts. They’re harsh slave-drivers of themselves and their audience. I likes. 🙂
They work every Saturday night now at the old Pasha’s building. That place changes names so much, almost nobody remembers what it’s called except that for a longer time it used to be Pacho’s. If you like minimalist house, this is the place to be.