Not Surprised: New Evidence Suggests the Black Teens Accused of Shooting White Baby Were NOT Involved! | Political Blind Spot

This was waved around like crazy by wannabe WN’s plaguing the  CH comments as evidence of how “barbaric” Africans are.  Though certainly, sometimes some of us do some messed up things, many things about this story did not add up to me.  Now I see they didn’t add up to her family or the police either.

When a baby gets killed outside of a war, the first people to investigate should be the parents, not “some Black guy(s)”.

Ashley Glassey told CBS News in March, that her mother has serious mental health issues. These include a diagnosis of bi-polar with accompanying schizophrenic tendencies. West also talked with the media about how she was removed from her mother’s care at the age of 8, because of abuse and neglect in the home.

Immediately after the shooting, Glassey said West began asking questions about how long it would take her to collect the insurance money. West’s daughter also told both media and police that her mother made conflicting statements to her, regarding the child’s death – including different stories about who was shot first. West’s inconsistencies and suspicious behavior caused her own daughter to tell police and reporters that she suspected her mother was not telling the truth about how the infant was killed. CBS News reported several days later that police had not followed up with Glassey, nor had they taken her statement. A follow-up call by the press to the police, was never returned.

via New Evidence Suggests the Black Teens Accused of Shooting White Baby Were NOT Involved! | Political Blind Spot.


My pronouns are whatever you're comfortable with as long as you speak to me with respect. I'm an Afruikan and Iswa refugee living in Canaan. That's African American expat in Israel in Normalian. I build websites, make art, and assist people in exercising their spirituality. I'm also the king of an ile, Baalat Teva, a group of African spirituality adherents here. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of my services or just want to chat.


  1. Off topic:

    Just wanted to give you more praise for your comments at the Chateau (figured I eventually get stuck in moderation). You’re on fire. I actually lose respect for some of the guys responding to you, they name call incessantly because they know you’re smart (solid arguments) and it fucks with their sensibilities.

    I’m going to refer my father to your site, I dig your perspective.

  2. BTW- my e-mail is down so don’t bother to reply.

    I just wanted to agree with Rol:

    ” they name call incessantly because they know you’re smart (solid arguments) and it fucks with their sensibilities.” and cosign on another statement you made about the entertaining nature of some of their disfunction. Im actually kinda bored from the weakness of their racial arguments; the only reason Im there is because Ive been banned from all the other sites. Good luck on your weightloss.

  3. Thank you, Thwack. 🙂

    The racial arguments are repetitive and boring, but some part of me thinks it’s worth it to remind them that the herd tendencies are irrelevant to the individual.

    The trends and statistics only tell me what people expect of me. So the thing to do is be better and achieve more than I am expected to. It should tell men what to do to stand out from the crowd. This is why I remind them that a group statistic of low violence (docility) means that to stand out as alpha, they shouldn’t be too thrilled about that or conform to that, but learn to be tougher.

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D