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For Those Seeking or in Flight: Black Trans*feminist Nihilism

Indeed, Patterson himself disavows this application of social death to Black people post-emancipation and states his reasons for doing so, collectively referencing the various ways in which Black people have ostensibly been folded into civil society. But this itself invokes a conflation between the distilled social death and an analysis of slavery’s transformation throughout time,…

Protection Expectations

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] I just thought of something while browsing some old posts and thinking about my role as king of Ile Baalat Teva. Much like many people are shocked when one protects African women, they’re shocked when someone protects a Trans woman or Femme too. A lot has happened, especially when I consider the…


[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc]Dudes need to understand something about young looking older women: we’re still older. There is not enough of our life left to waste time we could be spending making the world a better place or money to make sure our grandchildren can pursue their dreams. It is a fact that we older ladies…

The Little Distractions

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc]This weekend I did some work. I’m very happy to be getting back into things. I’ll upload some photos of the aftermath later. The project is ongoing, but things do look nicer after a bit of organizing. I’m trying to keep up the Marie Kondo style maintenance. In the breaks, I saw the…

Vegans, Stop Being Jerks About It

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc]A short public service announcement to vegans who backwards rationalize their eating habits, making it look more like an eating disorder than a rational choice: It’s bad enough that on the surface, preachy vegans seem to decide that sacrificing a thousand bees is worth saving one chicken. The truth behind that is it’s…

Emdogain and Pain Part 3: The Day After

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Yesterday, armed with the new knowledge, things went rather well. I took 4mg. Lorivan over the course of 2 hours instead of one, and also took 400mg. Advil about an hour before. I informed my periodontist about my skin, showed her my knee scars, and she understood exactly what happened and what to…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D