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William Davies · The Reaction Economy · LRB 2 March 2023

The Reaction Economy
William Davies · The Reaction Economy · LRB 2 March 2023 by William Davies (London Review of Books)

The quest for authentic joy or shock – or best of all, joy and shock at the same time – which drives reaction…

It is an infernal riddle of digital culture that ‘authenticity’ is constantly breeding its opposite: the ‘spontaneous’ event that proves to be no such thing, the ‘surprise’ that turns out to be staged, the emotional outburst that has been practised. TikTok is awash with apparently ‘authentic’ clips of humorous reactions (often based on pranks), the…

How AI Trains Humans on Transphobia

How AI Trains Humans on Transphobia
How AI Trains Humans on Transphobia from YouTube

What happens when capitalism, AI and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist?

Sign up for our “Identiteaze” Kickstarter pre-launch at What happens when capitalism, AI and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist? SUPPORT Patreon: PayPal:

How Much of the Internet Is Fake?

Fake people with fake cookies and fake social-media accounts, fake-moving their fake cursors, fake-clicking on fake websites
How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually. by Max Read (Intelligencer)

Some were sent to browse the internet to gather tracking cookies from other websites, just as a human visitor would have done through regular behavior. Fake people with fake cookies and fake social-media accounts, fake-moving their fake cursors, fake-clicking on fake websites — the fraudsters had essentially created a simulacrum of the internet, where the only real things were the ads.

How much of the internet is fake? Studies generally suggest that, year after year, less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot. For a period of time in 2013, the Times reported this year, a full half of YouTube traffic was…

Anti-government [Actually Anti Fascist] protests continue – Globes

Protests Against Fascism in Israel 2023
Anti-government protests continue by Nitsan Shafir (Globes)

Nobel laureate Prof. Avram Hershko told a rally in Haifa: There will be no-one to protect the citizen from the tyranny of the regime.

Speaking in Haifa, Prof. Avram Hershko, a Nobel prizewinner for chemistry, said, “We must stop the madness. I can no longer stand aside, I must now express my opinion. What is happening here is an attempt to turn Israel from a democracy into tyranny, a dictatorship. There will be no-one to protect the citizen from…

Moving From Ally to Accomplice in the Anti-Racist Fight: An Afrozilla Resource List

Tyre Nichols
Moving From Ally to Accomplice in the Anti-Racist Fight: An Afrozilla Resource List (Pocket)

Educate yourself on the fight against racism with this resource list compiled by Afrozilla—the diverse, global community of Black Mozilla employees.

If you are an accomplice in the fight against racism, now is also the time to consider how you show up in solidarity. Now is not the time for “allyship,” a concept that makes it easy to separate your freedom from ours. Today and every day, we need co-conspirators in the fight, people who are…

There is No Algorithm for Truth – with Tom Scott

There is No Algorithm for Truth - with Tom Scott
There is No Algorithm for Truth – with Tom Scott from YouTube

How does science get communicated in an age of social media?Subscribe for regular science videos: all of Tom’s videos on his c…

[embed][/embed] In this Discourse, Tom Scott talks about science communication in the age of social media, how to be popular on the internet, and dealing with a world where view counts are often more important than truth.

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