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Box Liberation

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]I’ve moved to a new apartment. After the fiasco with the last one, though this one is a bit smaller and the yard is a floor down from us, it’s a comparative paradise. No cats have died thusfar, or have even tried to escape. Pitzu went to explore the hallway in front of…

Goodbye Uncle Fester

Murcof Maiz

[responsivevoice_button] It has taken me awhile to sit down and write about it. On June 18 or 19, it was unclear from the posts by mutual friends, the man I once affectionately nicknamed Fester committed suicide by jumping from a window. This makes him the fifth man to die violently after hurting me intimately; the…

Down Memory Lame

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc]Forgetting is so much more difficult when you stay or become friends after a breakup. This is one of the biggest problems with being a closeted demisexual. It’s normal for us to have some sexual tension with friends, but when you hid who you were, you put everything in that conventional context wherein…

The Phase

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]I don’t know if this is true for other people, but when I’m hot for someone, it’s something closer to being hot about someone. I have a fantasy life, but it is very far out, barely human, and not that sexual either. Even in my writing, I am mostly crafting the sex scenes…

I Forget

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]Do toxic people know what the discarded and rejected feel when they inevitably return or try to reestablish contact? I know that decent people who just had a moment of stupid do. It’s why they go about it differently. They go about it honestly. They stay away until they have decided for certain…

Things Are Always Changing

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] Updated September 23, 2023. I have officially stopped giving a fuck. I think I’ve reached that age where it’s not that I forgive people who’ve hurt me the way that forgiveness is often interpreted. I just reach a point where I’d rather just kind of forget that they exist, and part of…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D