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Coming Up For Air While Re-studying HTML and CSS

Since I’m attempting to inform people as to why they need a website, and offering my help for them to do that, I need to keep my skills up to date. So I’ve been re-studying HTML and CSS to make sure that if need be, I can still build a site from scratch or make…

Not Investing? Not Interested.

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] One thing I wish I didn’t understand about cis men is where and why they invest or don’t. I know that if I was truly pressed, I could count on any of the men who married me or call me a friend for real without a “just”. They’re on the same level…

Join my Ko-fi and Get Free Stuff

Welp. The owners of the apartment we’re in are going to tear the building down and rebuild it, so we’re moving in a year. So everything must go. Anybody who joins my Ko-fi at the $50 level is going to get free stuff. Tell me what manner of ATR adherent or adjacent and/or witch you…

Learning to Do Nothing


Well, not nothing nothing, just not doing anything I don’t need to do, or want to do just because I want to, or someone I love needs me to do. I am learning to wait for the moments of privacy that I can talk with my patrons by voice. Learning to wait for the next…

Looking forward to the future.

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Yesterday, I went ahead and made the confirmation announcement that I am rolling back the ModernTraditional Network to its pre-blog beginnings. Meaning I’ll be keeping all existing links as they are so long as I can afford it, but by February of next year, I won’t be maintaining them as blogs. If…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D