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Midnight Musings : The Context of Your Alternative Matters

There are many things I’ve been trying to articulate lately. In an attempt to explain to people relatively new to reclaiming their ancestral spirituality, it has been a real trial to put to words what is wrong both with “traditionalists” who’ve been tainted by colonial influence, and for whom this was done because it was…

Slow Jams Playlists on Spotify in Three Flavors

This one is the usual R&B slow jams playlist. It’s got some of the old and some of the new up in here. I have a rule of no depressing songs on my playlists of this purpose. You don’t need to be hearing about breakups and marital problems when you’re trying to get it on.…

Negging and Shit Testing as Survival Strategies

Men complain about shit testing, and women complain about negging, but these things are extremely important in mate selection.  On the surface, the reason women shit test is to filter out overly compliant men and attract more masculine self assured men.  Men neg to filter out under-nurturing women, and attract compliant women who are actually…

More Sex Talk from the Love Scientist – Facts So Romantic – Nautilus

There’s your temperament and your culture, your nurture, your environment. I’m an identical twin and we’re not exactly alike. No two people are alike. What’s really interesting, and the most important scientific thing in my lifetime, is an understanding of epigenetics. We are beginning to understand how the environment turns genes on and off and…

Primal Fetish Relationships: Predator, Mate, and Prey

[caption id="attachment_2037" align="alignleft" width="169"] Primal Friends[/caption] [sc name="responsivevoice" ]As the Primal “fetish” community grows, I am noticing a rather disturbing trend to oversimplify our relationships to Predator vs. prey.  It’s like people are trying so hard to fit us into conventional BDSM boxes. Prey is what you eat or farm to consume.  Some like to…

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