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The BDSM origins of “Yes Means Yes”

The elaborate rules and rituals that permeate the BDSM subculture, which definitely involves the active and ongoing seeking of consent of its largely submissive and female participants on the part of its largely dominant and male participants during a sexual encounter or session, is something that, in theory, everyone could benefit from. Of all the…

Skea – Smart Kegel Exercise Aid by Linkcube Studio — Kickstarter

What does Skea do? Imagine playing Temple Run with Fitbit. Not with fingers, but with pelvic floor muscles! We want to help women overcome Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction, the most common gynecological disease. Skea is the solution that is not boring but actually FUN! via Skea – Smart Kegel Exercise Aid by Linkcube Studio —…

The Pegging Circle Jerk on Reddit

Floggers and Rope

[caption id="attachment_942" align="alignleft" width="204"] A little reminder who you’re calling a prude.[/caption] Well, I noticed that my pegging article was receiving a lot of traffic, and decided to see where it was coming from.  Mostly, it’s from Reddit.  It inspired a circle jerk of very confused illiterates who can’t tell the difference between someone being…

Is My Husband Gay? Signs of a Gay Husband – HealthyPlace

…it is estimated that 50% of gay husbands hide their homosexuality from their wives and don’t reach this place of honesty on their own. In many cases, it is the wife, who after suspecting that something is wrong, must confront the gay husband with the evidence, and only then can honesty be achieved. But if…

The Rise Of “Straight Shaming”

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Someone having a panic because he read something critical of his privilege wrote: It is not enough now to merely be a heterosexual and tolerate those who have different orientations. Now, to truly combat misogyny in the eyes of folks like Schwyzer, one must be fully open to participating in homosexual acts.…

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