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The Invisible Black Man Speaks – Mida

Baltimore seems to be the great Black dream: the mayor is Black, the Chief of Police is Black and about half the police force (including some of those charged with Freddie Gray’s death) are Black. All this under a twice-elected Black President. Yet things are clearly going south. What’s going on?In a word? Class. Eugene…

On a Pedestal

Men who put women on a pedestal don’t see the whole woman.   It’s bad enough when an individual man does this with women (like the mangina type of male feminist) or individual women (the average cuckold type).  Feminationalists do this with whole races of women, fetishizing them into some bloc of beings who are exempt…

Nature Doesn’t Care That You’re Innocent

In the wake of yet another preventable mass murder, it still baffles me how cheap school administrators and others responsible for the security of their employees and students are.  Of course, the murderers themselves are the most to blame, even if they’re insane.  However, understanding that there are homicidal insane people roaming the Earth, one…

Shit I’m Tired of Seeing: “White” Patriarchy

Slavery was not something that rich “white” men did by themselves without women, nor was Jim Crow the exclusive domain of men.  Just about all “white” supremacists and those complicit are raised to be this way by their mothers. Under the current racist system (which is racist against everybody, and just treats European Americans like…

Freedom of Speech On the Internet Is Not Threatened By Moderation

I’m an African American woman on the internet, and I don’t have a troll problem.  I don’t have keyboard wannabe psychos, perverts, or other brands of idiots plaguing me. I used to.  A long time ago, wasting time on Usenet, I picked up a couple of barnacles.  They used their freedom of speech to harass…

The Planter’s Dilemma | Baba Brinkman

If I cheat and you don’t cheat then I profit If you cheat and I don’t cheat then you profit So we both cheat, so we can each keep somethin’ But where did all the non-cheaters go? via The Planter’s Dilemma | Baba Brinkman.

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D