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The Deal

Choose one. Your beliefs about sex between men and women are the same as they would be between a same sex encounter.  Neither owes each other anything. They can have a purely sexual interaction or relationship, and it is an even exchange.  Neither the value of the persons nor sex with these persons is increased…

Left and Right

I view the left and right wings as masculine and feminine energy adherents. The left is masculine energy.  It is a conqueror seeking to gain as much “freedom” and room for expression as it can, fuck the consequences. The right on the other hand is feminine energy.  It is into nesting, and solidifying bonds.  Its…

Second to Nun

At some point, one has to know when it’s time to hang up the towel and quit while one is ahead. After about 10 years of being a loving person trying to navigate a very hostile dating market, I’m sort of emotionally back where I was about 23 years ago. Some of you out there…

Cock Worship

Before you pull your dick out, even to masturbate, consider the fact that in ancient times, people used to dance around figures shaped like your junk, to bring blessings, prosperity, and fertility to their lives. To this day, some still do. The Japanese have a festival in which a giant wooden cock is carried through…

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