Dethklok – Dethalbum III – I Ejaculate Fire [HD, with booklet lyrics] – YouTube

A little motivational music for guys who need to understand the power of the penis.  Enjoy 🙂

I ejaculate fire
A venomous fluid, cantankerous druid
It kills when I breed, with my DETH seed
Checkmate, world dies when I procreate
A bloody mess, bubbles with heat
Fear the splattering
acidic de-mattering
It burns
I’m fried to my loins.

Testicular propane, tanks exploding

via Dethklok – Dethalbum III – I Ejaculate Fire [HD, with booklet lyrics] – YouTube.


My pronouns are whatever you're comfortable with as long as you speak to me with respect. I'm an Afruikan and Iswa refugee living in Canaan. That's African American expat in Israel in Normalian. I build websites, make art, and assist people in exercising their spirituality. I'm also the king of an ile, Baalat Teva, a group of African spirituality adherents here. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of my services or just want to chat.

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D