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Interview: Chris Miller, historian and author of “Chip War”

In which I consult an expert on the battle to control the semiconductor industry. The struggle to control the semiconductor industry is one of the most important economic stories in the world today. Whether China can wrest dominance of semiconductors away from the U.S. and its democratic allies, as it has so many other high-tech…

How Google’s Ad Business Funds Disinformation — ProPublica

Why am I not surprised? There’s big money in the fear of loss of power of all of the world’s dominant cultures. In the class war, siding with the established order is profitable. At least it is in the short term. They need to remember that every time an authoritarian gains power, they neutralize and…

Critics aren’t sold on latest AI doomsday warning | Popular Science

“There’s a very common misconception, even in the AI community, that there only are a handful of doomers. But, in fact, many people privately would express concerns about these things,” added Hendrycks.But critics remain wary of both the motivations behind such public statements, as well as their feasibility.“Don’t be fooled: it’s self-serving hype disguised as…

Future of Work Summit 2023

The future of work is no longer an abstract concept but is rapidly becoming the reality of today. With the pandemic and digitalisation, many industries have been forced to adapt and transform their way of working. Now that the future of work is here, are organisations ready? This inaugural summit acts as a platform for…

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