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How the left lost Pan-Africanism and Black Nationalism

How Leftism and Panafricanism got separated.
How the left lost Pan-Africanism and Black Nationalism from YouTube

Resources Regarding Mumia Abu JamalUpdates and where to help regarding Mumia Abu Jamal-

[embed][/embed] A good video on how even groups labeled as radical get whitewashed for fashion, which is one way so many ssimps get conned into supporting the blaryan grifters.

Africans Weaponized to Promote White Supremacy #Coonism

A line of nazi soldiers giving the salute.

I’ve had enough. Even though I’m tired, since nobody else is doing this yet, I am going to have to do it. I hate this. Here is the outline. If you’re out there and involved in fighting disinformation, you can help me a lot by directing me to your articles, videos, and posts that deal…

Short Note: The Missing Nazi Link is David Childress

Head in the Galaxy by Nicole T. Lasher

The whole nazi talking points infiltrating the African spirituality community was a bit perplexing to me. Both in terms of how these people seemed at all credible to people aware enough to know of me, and spiritually, how so much Christos could wriggle in and nest itself among so much Thoth and Orumila was just…

Degrees of Separation

Visions by Nicole T. Lasher

A few nights ago, I had a dream. Someone I care about and did my best to help and promote was in the dream attempting to chat me up. It was weird because as far as I can tell, this person sees me as a kind of auntie, and I see them as a kind…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D