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Shit I’m Tired of Seeing: “White” Patriarchy

Slavery was not something that rich “white” men did by themselves without women, nor was Jim Crow the exclusive domain of men.  Just about all “white” supremacists and those complicit are raised to be this way by their mothers. Under the current racist system (which is racist against everybody, and just treats European Americans like…

1st set of remains ID’d from Florida reform school – Yahoo News

At its peak in the 1960s, 500 boys were housed at the Dozier school, most of them for minor offenses such as petty theft, truancy or running away from home. In 1968, when corporal punishment was outlawed at state-run institutions, then-Gov. Claude Kirk visited and found the institution in disrepair with leaky ceilings, holes in…

The Black Dominatrix: Empowering or Not?

Sometimes things that seem empowering because “everyone” says they should be, turn out to be very disempowering. For a woman to dominate a man from time to time is natural, and when natural, empowering for them both.  The woman gets to act out her nature without hiding, and the man gets to admire a woman…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D