Tag: racism
White Devil

[caption id="attachment_410" align="alignleft" width="218" caption="Steampunk Joker by OdinGraphics http://odingraphics.deviantart.com"][/caption] From the berzerker to Hannibal Lecter, the White devil is the man the world loves to hate. He is the rapacious, exploitive capitalist whose thirst for blood is only matched by his thirst for gold. He pursues his interests with a madness that we others would…
Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome
Last night, I had a dream that pretty much encapsulated my true feelings about the eurocentric brand of Christianity. It began like most of my family road trip dreams do. My parents, brothers and I are going along a country road. Dad is driving, and Mom is smiling, and my younger brothers and I are…
Shanti R.I.P.
Good Enough

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Today I got a call from Longstroke. One of his coworkers attempted suicide this past Saturday. She is a non Jewish, Phillipine woman whose Israeli boyfriend dumped her saying that it’s because she’s not Jewish. He said he’s found someone Jewish, and has decided to go with her on that basis. Much…