The Little Distractions

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc]This weekend I did some work. I’m very happy to be getting back into things. I’ll upload some photos of the aftermath later. The project is ongoing, but things do look nicer after a bit of organizing. I’m trying to keep up the Marie Kondo style maintenance. In the breaks, I saw the…

How the Alt-Right Died

A long time ago, when the internet was young, people exchanged ideas and learned that we weren’t alone.  People who believed in sexual freedom but within the sane boundaries of Nature found the likeminded, and friendships were forged.  Some very happy marriages and stable cohabitations even resulted. People who understood that people are different, and…

The Insipid Enemy

It would be easy to blame social phenomena like feminism and the multikult on greedy women and corporations, but the bitter truth is that those most to blame call themselves conservatives.  If they weren’t so whiney, ignorant, and inconsistent, then the overly liberal wouldn’t seem so intelligent, educated, and stable by comparison. To clarify, I…

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