Tin Man

Tin Man

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] The day was bright and sunny. By nightfall it was honey. We’ll skip the naked parts. The next day would have risen To a beautiful beginnin’ If you only had a heart. Each week brought a new drama. Each month a brand new trauma And so I played it hard. It might…

Fat Acceptors! Stop Asking Robots For Acceptance

A sad fact of human nature that I came to understand in elementary school is that there are two kinds of people: thinkers and non thinkers. Thinkers may run the range as far as levels of social dependence.  Some may understand a situation, but lack the courage to actively shape it.  They will conform to…

Dealing With Haters

I love my haters.  They’re my best press and the evidence that I’m doing something right.  Their attempts to “put me in my place” are welcome challenges that ultimately end up confirming the legitimacy of my position. What’s funny about that is that I’m not particularly rich or famous.  I’m just me, and don’t apologize…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D