Altar Blue and Gold | Art by Nicole T. Lasher

Altar Blue and God, a woman sitting at her altar, a wooden table with a bowl, a basket with a wand, a light blue candle, a bottle of holy water, and a censer. She is wearing a long, draped royal blue dress, a gold stud earring, and has a medium thickness mass of dark, curly hair. In the background is an abstract painting of seaweed.

This is a woman sitting at her altar about to consecrate a new wand. Her altar is a wooden table with a bowl, a basket with a wand, a light blue candle, a bottle of holy water, and a censer. She is wearing a long, draped royal blue dress, a gold stud earring, and has…

The Black Dominatrix: Empowering or Not?

Sometimes things that seem empowering because “everyone” says they should be, turn out to be very disempowering. For a woman to dominate a man from time to time is natural, and when natural, empowering for them both.  The woman gets to act out her nature without hiding, and the man gets to admire a woman…

The Deal

Choose one. Your beliefs about sex between men and women are the same as they would be between a same sex encounter.  Neither owes each other anything. They can have a purely sexual interaction or relationship, and it is an even exchange.  Neither the value of the persons nor sex with these persons is increased…

Vengeance is Flattery

Don’t fear the vengeance or hatred of a woman whose heart you broke. The time for that fear, if ever, was before you got involved. After the fact, it’s just the price of doing business, and you should suck it up and take your knocks like a man. If a woman doesn’t hate you for…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D