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Tolkien Butler Remorse

[caption id="attachment_2284" align="alignright" width="169"] The woman who stupidly thought potential could mean promise.[/caption] [sc name="responsivevoice" ]Like any other kid of my generation who had parents who were very much in love, as much as I liked Disney as a toddler, eventually I matured into Tolkien. Because I was a nerd there was some Asimov. Because…

Once The Lesson Is Learned

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]Regular readers may have noticed that there are a few things missing. I apologize for any broken links. I decided to delete certain posts from the past year and a half because it’s a lot of unnecessary wordage just to say that I’ve learned my lesson about being an African woman practicing an…

Making My Bed

My Room

Having spent so much time in it due to the latest bout of flu plus tonsillitis, I understood it was time to update my bed. My burgundy and pink zebra print sets are becoming worn, so it’s time to get new stuff. Unfortunately, leopard and snake print sets are either insanely popular or insanely unpopular,…

Lifehack For the Second Heartbreak Onward

I believe that frequent heartbreak is an unnatural thing to endure sanely. I am sure that between the lines and behind the scenes in the days of old, romantic love existed and people shagged around and were abandoned or failed or mistreated often. We are talking about humans here. The thing is that the heartbreaks…

Tinder in Israel: Should Be Called Bitter

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc] Well, just to see if it would turn out any better than other dating sites here full of guys who just want a cheerleader for masturbation, I signed on to Tinder.  My first and second Tinder dates went well, but I think that was it. The first two were the last two…

Hygiene and Housework: Save Your Man From Stupid

Some things they don’t tell you when you marry an Israeli.  You cannot, I repeat: you cannot be a nice woman.  You may be a kind woman…a benevolent queen, but you can’t be nice.  Being nice to a man here can literally kill you. There are many fights that, being a nice girl at the…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D